Search: 08/2024

Results 51 - 60 of 82


Infinite Campus


Our District uses Infinite Campus as our Student Information System (SIS). To update your contact information, please and make the necessary changes, or contact your school site’s office manager for assistance. Note that you can only update your phone number or email address online; for changes to your address or other account details, you’ll need to seek help from school staff.

Infinite Campus is also where you can access your student’s grades, schedules, attendance, and assessment information. Additionally, some district and school site communications may be sent through Infinite Campus.


Accepting Applications for the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

The District is looking for dedicated volunteers who will actively review the spending of bond funds by the school district and report their findings to the Board of Education and the public. All applications will be reviewed for appropriate qualifications, and recommendations will be submitted to the Board of Education for approval. 

e-Connections Post

鶹 Board of Education Recap
August 8, 2024

At the August 8 meeting of the Sacramento City Unified School District Board, the Board welcomed new student Board Member Justine Chueh-Griffith, a senior at West Campus High School.

The Board heard an informational update on the Summer Matters programs that ran this summer from June 24 – July 2 serving TK through 12th grade students. 鶹’s  Summer Matters learning programs are designed to minimize summer learning loss and  provide opportunities for academic intervention and enrichment.